Institution: University of Gothenburg
Name of the tool: Handbook - Working with students with disability
Key actors: Students with special needs
Support office
Social services
Technical staff
State of the tool: Design
Student's areas involved: Attending lessons
Having an exam and practical course/internship
Dealing with professor and administrative staff
Peers relations
Social life
Description of the tool:

The legal safety and rights of students with disability may be jeopardized if students are not treated equally and fairly. Large universities with many departments and insitutions may treat students differently if all involved are not aware of the rights of students and various supports/accommodations available to them. A handbook compiled for all personnel directly involved with supporting students with disability would include for example: laws, regulations, rules, university policies governing students with disability, university organisation for support, with names and contact information, types of services/support available. The Handbook would need to be adapted to fit the needs of the university compliling it.