Institution: University of Gent
Name of the tool: mentoring course 'coaching and diversity'
Key actors: All
Students with special needs
State of the tool: Testing phase
Student's areas involved: Accomodation
Waking up and gettin ready
Travelling to university
Attending lessons
Having an exam and practical course/internship
Peers relations
Social life
Description of the tool:

The pilot of this course was run in 4 faculties at Ghent University. Students who participated in this form of community service learning, could add 3 credits to their curriculum by mentoring a first year student. The mentee as this last one was called, could come from different background. He or she could be the first one in the family studying in Higher Education, have a different first language, have a disability or enter higher education without the necessary prior preparatory education. The course exists in an academic part and a practical part. In the academic part shared knowledge about aspects as 'coaching', 'intercultural communication', 'diversity' and 'disability awareness'. The practical part was about mentoring 1 or two students and guide them as freshmens during university life. The biggist part of questions was about how to study and prepare for exams, but there were also questions about integration in the university community. Mentors were supervised by staff of the cel diversity and gender. Students who mentored a student with a disability could always ask for advice at the support office. A benefit for themselves was they learned more about themselves and became aware about their prejudices and attitudes. In real life situations they could put into practice what they learned and change their attitudes if necessary. Students work out reflections in a personal online portfolio. 

User manual:

The academic slides are available on the university's e-learning platform of the course. The course is given by two professors (Geert Van Hove and Hilde Van Keer).

The coordination of the social activities and the supervision moments is done by a team member of the cel diversity and gender. 

If you want to try this out in your local situation, contact us. 


Details of the tool:  
Web page: in dutch