Institution: University of Gent
Name of the tool: di(ver)sability awareness course
Key actors: All
State of the tool: Evaluated
Student's areas involved: Attending lessons
Having an exam and practical course/internship
Peers relations
Social life
Description of the tool:

It is a tool developped in Flemish by SIHO in cooperation with AHEAD. The workshop was tried out at UGent and led by a member of SIHO in observation with a person from the cel diversity and gender of the university. The purpose is to sensibilize university staff and make them aware about their own opinion about disability that has an impact in their attitudes towards students and make them familiar with the disability studies perspective. After this try out which was positively evaluated, the workshop will be included in the regular offers at the formation platform for university staff. A staff member of the support office for students with a disability will lead the workshop. 

You find an interview with Leen about the course on you tube: 

User manual:

The manual you can find online:

The workshop is a combination of excercises and information, so it is a very practical course.

In the near future it will be translated to English together with the workshop to make it easy to adopt to your local situation.  

Details of the tool:  
Web page: