Institution: University of Gent
Name of the need: visibility of services
State of the need: Partially fulfilled by internal services
Student's areas involved: Accomodation
Travelling to university
Attending lessons
Having an exam and practical course/internship
Dealing with professor and administrative staff
Relation with supporting staff
Peers relations
Social life
International mobility
Job placement
Description of the need:

First year students have to find their way in the new environment at University and look for services that can give support. Therefore it is necessary that the information about the different services and support is easily accessible. Options are making information available on the www, making brochures, ... getting the information by older students,...

Tools matching the need Collaboration between mentors and student guidance officers
A specialized unit supporting students with impairments
Faculty's reference persons for disability
mentoring course 'coaching and diversity'
support service
Peer mentors (remunerated)
Volunteers at students' dormitories
Mentorship - A program for all students
Handbook - Working with students with disability
Orientation Guide for academic staff while dealing with SWI and ESN